Monday, June 27, 2016

Winners ~ Color Dare #198

Fabulous! Loved the projects in last week's challenge.

The Winners of Color Dare #198 using Close To My Heart Colours: Cotton Candy, Sweet Leaf & White Daisy.

Our Diamond Winner is Francine Davis:

Our Emerald Winner is Miss. Carrie's Creations:

Our Ruby Winner is The Right Hughes:

Our Sapphire Winner is Lauren Moore:
Congratulations to all our winners! Please stop by their blogs and give them some much deserved love.

To our winners, please don't forget to grab your winners badge from the top of this page.

There is still time to play along in this week's challenge....Color Dare #199 using Close To My Heart Colours: Pacifica, Sunset, Cranberry & White Daisy.
This Challenge closes at 10:00 p.m. Eastern Standard time on Thursday, June 30, 2016. Hopefully you are able to carve out some time in your creative space to play along with us here.

Have a great day!

Friday, June 24, 2016

Color Dare #199--Pacifica, Sunset, Cranberry and White Daisy

Can you believe we will be posting our 2ooth challenge next week?  How should we celebrate it?  We would love to read your ideas on celebrating next week's milestone challenge. Please leave them in the comments below--who knows we just might use your idea!

Thanks to all the talented crafters who participated in last week's Cotton Candy, Sweet Leaf and White Daisy challenge. We are so happy to have you sharing your art in our gallery! 

Welcome back to another Color My Heart Color Dare challenge where we invite you to use the specified Close to My Heart colors to create something that you like.  (Of course if you don't have these CTMH colors yet you may substitute similar colors so you can still join in on the fun!)  This week we are challenging you to use all and only these colors:  Pacifica, Sunset, Cranberry and White Daisy.

We are delighted to have Amie Kiger as our Guest Designer this week.  She is a very talented crafter who was on the very first Color Dare Team and is an occasional participant.  Please stop by her blog and say "hi".   Welcome back, Amie!

Here is some inspiration from our awesome Design Team.  If you have a chance please stop by our blogs to see how we made these projects and leave a comment.

Upload projects here:

The collection has closed. Let other people know about it through twitter.

Tuesday, June 21, 2016

Winners ~ Color Dare #197

Thank you to all our participants for Color Dare 197.  We had another fabulous week of participants!!

The Winners of Color Dare #197 using Close To My Heart colors of Canary, Pacifica and White Daisy are as follows:

Our Diamond Award Winner is: Bonnie Seeman
 Our Emerald Award Winner is: Kerrie Lorig

Our Ruby Award Winner is:  Jody Gustafson

Our Sapphire Award Winner is: Anne Rukke

Please stop by the Award Winner's Blogs and leave them some love about their fabulous creations.

Congratulations to all our Winners! Please be sure to grab your Blog Badge that can be found under the Blog Badges tab at the top of this post.

Don't forget, there is still time to play along in this week's challenge. Color Dare #198 using Cotton Candy, Sweet Leaf and White Daisy of Close To My Heart colors: 

This Challenge closes at 10:00 p.m. Eastern Standard time on Thursday, June 23, 2016. Hopefully you are able to find some time to play along with us here.

Have a great day!

Friday, June 17, 2016

Color Dare #198--Cotton Candy, Sweet Leaf and White Daisy

Thanks to all the talented crafters who participated in last week's Pacifica, Canary and White Daisy challenge. We are so happy to have some brand new players sharing their inspiring work in our gallery last week!

Welcome back to another Color My Heart Color Dare challenge where we invite you to use the specified Close to My Heart colors to create something that you like.  (Of course if you don't have these CTMH colors yet you may substitute similar colors so you can still join in on the fun!)  This week we are challenging you to use all and only Cotton Candy, Sweet Leaf and White Daisy:

Here is some inspiration from our awesome Design Team.  If you have a chance please stop by our blogs to see how we made these projects and leave a comment.

Now it's your turn. Take some time this week to create a project using these colors. If you don't have the exact colors, just use the closest ones you have. Next, take a picture of it and upload it to your blog. Make sure you include our link and challenge picture in your post. Then link your post to our site, using the link to your post, not your blog. See our sidebar for complete rules. Most importantly, have fun!  We look forward to visiting your blogs and commenting.

Don’t have a blog?  You can still enter by posting your photo to our Facebook page here.  Next you would copy the URL and then copy that into the Linky tool below.  You could also post your photo in one of your Pinterest boards and then copy and paste the URL into the Linky tool. If you do post from Facebook or Pinterest please tell how you made your card in the comments section.

Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Winners - Color Dare #196

Thank you to all our participants for Color Dare 196.  Doesn't the Calypso colors Pear, Lagoon, Honey, Cotton Candy, White Daisy and Black just make you smile?  I know the artwork created certainly did!

The Winners of Color Dare #196 using Close To My Heart colors of Georgie Paper Pack are as follows:

Our Diamond Award Winner is: Michelle Hughes


 Our Emerald Award Winner is: Carrie Simonds

Our Ruby Award Winner is:  Tammy Lubick

Our Sapphire Award Winner is: Dana Simone-Kurtz


Please stop by the Award Winner's Blogs and leave them some love about their fabulous creations.

Congratulations to all our Winners! Please be sure to grab your Blog Badge that can be found under the Blog Badges tab at the top of this post.

Don't forget, there is still time to play along in this week's challenge. Color Dare #197 using Pacifica, Canary and White Daisy of Close To My Heart colors: 


This Challenge closes at 10:00 p.m. Eastern Standard time on Thursday, June 16, 2016. Hopefully you are able to find some time to play along with us here.

Have a great day!

Friday, June 10, 2016

Color Dare #197--Pacifica, Canary and White Daisy

Thanks to all the talented crafters who participated in last week's Calypso challenge. There are so many wonderful entries that you sure make it difficult for us to pick winners each week.

Welcome back to another Color My Heart Color Dare challenge where we invite you to use the specified Close to My Heart colors to create something that you like.  (Of course if you don't have these CTMH colors yet you may substitute similar colors so you can still join in on the fun!)  This week we are challenging you to use all and only these colors:  Pacifica, Canary and White Daisy.

Here is some inspiration from our awesome Design Team.  If you have a chance please stop by our blogs to see how we made these projects and leave a comment.

Now it's your turn. Take some time this week to create a project using these colors. If you don't have the exact colors, just use the closest ones you have. Next, take a picture of it and upload it to your blog. Make sure you include our link and challenge picture in your post. Then link your post to our site, using the link to your post, not your blog. See our sidebar for complete rules. Most importantly, have fun!  We look forward to visiting your blogs and commenting.

Don’t have a blog?  You can still enter by posting your photo to our Facebook page here.  Next you would copy the URL and then copy that into the Linky tool below.  You could also post your photo in one of your Pinterest boards and then copy and paste the URL into the Linky tool. If you do post from Facebook or Pinterest please tell how you made your card in the comments section.

Monday, June 6, 2016

Winner - Color Dare #195

Another great week of submissions...thank you to everyone who played along.

Here are the Winners of Color Dare #195 using Close To My Heart Colours: Thistle, Pear, Lagoon, Crystal Blue & White Daisy.

Our Diamond Winner is Francine Davis:

Our Emerald Winner is Alyson Mayo:

Our Ruby Winner is Jody Gustafson:

Our Sapphire Winner is Becca Whitham:
Congratulations to all our winners! Please stop by their blogs and give them some much deserved love.

To our winners, please don't forget to grab your winners badge from the top of this page.

There is still time to play along in this week's challenge....Color Dare #196 using Close To My Heart Colours: Pear, Lagoon, Honey, Cotton Candy, White Daisy & Black. All of these colours can be found in CTMH's Calypso Paper Packet.

This Challenge closes at 10:00 p.m. Eastern Standard time on Thursday, June 9, 2016. Hopefully you are able to carve out some time in your creative space to play along with us here.

Have a great day!

Friday, June 3, 2016

Color Dare #196--Calypso Colors

Thanks to all the talented crafters who participated in last week's Thistle, Pear, Crystal Blue, Lagoon and White Daisy. We are so happy to have you sharing your art in our gallery! 

Welcome back to another Color My Heart Color Dare challenge where we invite you to use the specified Close to My Heart colors to create something that you like.  (Of course if you don't have these CTMH colors yet you may substitute similar colors so you can still join in on the fun!)  This week we are challenging you to use all and only the featured colors in the Calypso paper packet.  They are:
Pear, Lagoon, Honey, Cotton Candy, White Daisy and Black.

Here is some inspiration from our awesome Design Team.  If you have a chance please stop by our blogs to see how we made these projects and leave a comment.

Peachy Lamb

Michelle Loncar

Donna Thomson Digby

Marie Flayer

Now it's your turn. Take some time this week to create a project using these colors. If you don't have the exact colors, just use the closest ones you have. Next, take a picture of it and upload it to your blog. Make sure you include our link and challenge picture in your post. Then link your post to our site, using the link to your post, not your blog. See our sidebar for complete rules. Most importantly, have fun!  We look forward to visiting your blogs and commenting.

Don’t have a blog?  You can still enter by posting your photo to our Facebook page here.  Next you would copy the URL and then copy that into the Linky tool below.  You could also post your photo in one of your Pinterest boards and then copy and paste the URL into the Linky tool. If you do post from Facebook or Pinterest please tell how you made your card in the comments section.