
Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Design Team Call

Hello Color Fans! It's that time again. We are looking for some more help to keep up with the Color Dare and to create fabulous papercrafting projects for inspiration. Do you enjoy working with different color combinations? Do you have time to create one project every other week? Are you interested in working with some wonderfully talented women? Then why not apply to be on our 2014 design team? 

All you need to do is send me your name, email address, blog address, and a bit about why you'd like to join the team. I would also love it if you'd include three of your best projects. Remember, we're a papercrafting blog. You can make ANY kinds of projects you like using paper and the Close to My Heart products. 
You do NOT have to be a Close To My Heart consultant to apply, but you do have to love Close To My Heart products. It is not required that projects use 100% CTMH products, but they must contain some. As a member of our group, you'd be responsible for submitting one project every other week, for commenting on participant entries, and you would take turns taking over the posting when I am not able to post. Also, you must have a facebook account and join our DT group on facebook.

Alright! Are you excited? So am I!! I can't wait! You have until August 22nd to apply. The new DT members will be announced on August 29th..

Good luck!



  1. I've tried sending an email but it keeps getting sent back. How can I contact you?

  2. Oh, I'm so sorry about that! I don't know what's wrong! Try this one:

    1. I checked my bellsouth account, and I got your email, so nevermind!
