
Friday, April 8, 2016

Color Dare #188--White Daisy, Sapphire, Pomegranate, Glacier and Flaxen

Thanks to all the talented crafters who participated in last week's Greens challenge. We are so happy to have you sharing your art in our gallery! 

Welcome back to another Color My Heart Color Dare challenge where we invite you to use the specified Close to My Heart colors to create something that you like.  (Of course if you don't have these CTMH colors yet you may substitute similar colors so you can still join in on the fun!)  This week we are challenging you to use all and only the featured colors in the Regatta paper packet.  They are:
White Daisy, Sapphire, Pomegranate, Glacier and Flaxen.

Here is some inspiration from our awesome Design Team.  If you have a chance please stop by our blogs to see how we made these projects and leave a comment.

Wasn't that an impressive display of artwork?

Now it's your turn. Take some time this week to create a project using these colors. If you don't have the exact colors, just use the closest ones you have. Next, take a picture of it and upload it to your blog. Make sure you include our link and challenge picture in your post. Then link your post to our site, using the link to your post, not your blog. See our sidebar for complete rules. Most importantly, have fun!  We look forward to visiting your blogs and commenting.

Don’t have a blog?  You can still enter by posting your photo to our Facebook page here.  Next you would copy the URL and then copy that into the Linky tool below.  You could also post your photo in one of your Pinterest boards and then copy and paste the URL into the Linky tool. If you do post from Facebook or Pinterest please tell how you made your card in the comments section.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the challenge! Here is my entry:
