Friday, May 31, 2019

Color Dare #345 - TicTacToe Color Palette "True Love"

Thank you to all the talented Crafters
who have shared their artwork in our Gallery.
Please invite your friends to Play TicTacToe
with True Love Color Palette

Black and White + Neutrals Free

We use CTMH color names for reference; however, you are welcome to use any products as long as they are the closest match. Join our fun and choose a row, column or diagonal and let us know in your post. If you want to use additional colors it's your choice as long as you use "Only" the colors and Neutrals included on the Board above. Most importantly - have fun! We look forward to visiting your blogs and commenting.

Here is some inspiration from our awesome Design Team. If you have a chance please stop by our blogs to see how we made these projects and feel free to leave a comment.

Left Diagonal: Eggplant, Gold, Sugarplum + Sage

Debie Gardner 
1st Row:  Eggplant, Canary, New England Ivy 

Left Diagonal: Eggplant, Gold, Sugarplum 

+ New England Ivy, Sage and Ballerina 

Catherine Nowak 
3rd Column: Sage, Mint, Sugarplum 
+ Sapphire and Gray 

Suzanne Reynolds 
3rd Column: Sage, Mint, Sugarplum  
+ Canary and Ballerina

Middle Row:  Canary, Gold, Mint

Now it's your turn. Link your post to our site, using the link to your post, not your blog. See our Rules Tab for complete details. You can enter your project using your blog, our Facebook here or other Online Galleries such as Pinterest, Split Coast Stampers, Flickr and Instagram. Your Week Challenges are open for two weeks and you have until June 13th enter Challenge #345.  

Still open until Thursday evening June 6th. Click HERE for our previous challenge Color Dare #344 and enter your project.

Go here to view our General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) notice. 

Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Winners ~ Color Dare #342

Before we announce the winners
You still have time to create in our current challenges 
and would welcome your participation in both Challenges 

Direct Link to Challenge #343 
Choose At Least 3 or More Colors
Black, White and Greys are Free
Closes Thursday, May 30th 

Direct Link to Challenge #344
Inspiration Board
Black, White and Browns Free
Closes Thursday, June 6th

We thank all the talented Crafters who have shared their awesome artwork. Please join us again and bring along a Buddy to join in future fun color challenges.

TicTacToe Color Palette 
Black, White and All Neutrals Free

Our Diamond Award Winner is:  Jody Gustafson 

Emerald Award Winner is:  Lauren Moore 

Our Ruby Award Winner is:  A Rose 

Our Sapphire Award Winner is:  Ma-Mi 

Congratulations to our Winners

Please stop by the Award Winner's Blogs and leave them some love about their fabulous creations. Be sure to grab your Winner Blog Badge found under the Blog Badges tab at the top of this post. 

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Friday, May 24, 2019

Color Dare #344 - Inspiration Board

Thank you to all the talented Crafters
who have shared their artwork in our Gallery.
Please invite your friends to Play
"Inspiration Board" 

Let's dress up your project with the colors from the Mood Inspiration Board. It does not have to be an Memorial Card ... celebrate any occasion; however use ONLY colors from this Board for inspiration and Black, White and Browns are Free. Most importantly - have fun! We look forward to visiting your blogs and commenting.  

Here is some inspiration from our awesome Design Team. If you have a chance please stop by our blogs to see how we made these projects and feel free to leave a comment. 

Now it's your turn. Link your post to our site, using the link to your post, not your blog, and please include our Inspiration Board in your post. See our Rules Tab for complete details. You can enter your project using your blog, our Facebook Here or other Online Galleries such as Pinterest, Split Coast Stampers, Flickr and Instagram.

Our Weekly Challenges are open for two weeks and you have until June 6th to enter Challenge #343.

Still open until Thursday evening May 30th Click Here for our previous challenge Color Dare #343 and enter your project.

Go here to view our General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) notice