European Union’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)

GDPR Privacy Notice for Color My Heart Color Dare Challenge Blog

You may be seeing a lot of GDPR notices online soon. In compliance with this new European regulation we are disclosing some information about the Color My Heart Color Dare challenge blog:

 We are not selling anything nor collecting your data for advertising purposes or sharing or selling to marketers of any kind.

2. We use Inlinkz so that you may share your artwork with our challenge blog. They ask for your email address and blog link in order for you to post your artwork. If you do not feel comfortable sharing that address please do not post your artwork through our “Linky Tool”. We may use your email address only in an attempt to contact you should you win a prize.

3. You always have the right to delete your entry if you are not happy with the collection of your email address or link to your blog. If you hover over the picture you have submitted you should see a trash can. If you click on the trash can your project will be deleted. If you don’t delete your entry before the challenge closes we will consider that you accept the posting of your email address and you accept that your entry.

4. If you should leave a comment on this blog you understand that you are sharing your blog name and blog address that will be visible for all to see. By providing your comment you are also giving consent for this information to be posted.

This notice will remain available under a tab on the top of each page.

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